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Investment Daily Note

类型:投资策略  机构:新鸿基投资服务有限公司   研究员:新鸿基投资研究所  日期:2016-04-07
http://www.zdcj.net      点击收藏此报告

China Securities Finance Corporation resumed offering several short-dated loans and cut the interest rates. The act will encourage the use of leverage and be positive to brokerages. Although the impact is doubted, it does signal Chinese government’ssupport for the stock market and boost investor confidence.

    Tingyi (322.HK) is scheduled to release its FY15 results today. A profit warning was announced by the company, saying that a decrease of 35% to 40% was recorded in attributable net profit to shareholders. However, we see the stock price is stabilizing at the bottom. It may rebound in the short-term.

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