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日期:2020-11-11 12:38:27 来源:互联网

塔形顶k线组合,塔形底k线塔型底是出现在价格底端的反转形态。首先,塔形顶k线有一根或多根长阴线,然后是一些小实体K线,最后是一-根或多根大阳线。左边的大阴线和右边的大阳线构成塔的两边,中间的小实体K线构成塔底。(The Tower Bottom is a reversal pattern thatoccurs at low pricelevels. There isoneor morelong bearishcandlesticks followed by a few smaller body candlesticks andthen concluded with one ormore large bullish candlesticks. Thebearish candlestick(s) on the left side and the bullish candlestick(s) on the right side make up the two sides of the tower, and thesmaller real body candlesticks make up the floor of the tower. )

炒锅底通常是.上涨反转信号。圆弧底的确认要看它后面的K线。开始呈下跌趋势,然后横一表示市场犹 豫不决,最后上涨反转。塔形顶k线此图形形成的重要条件是,在横盘后有一个跳空高开,才开始上涨。(Normally Flying Pan Bottom should be asignal of bullish reversal of the current trend. confirmation isrequired by the candles that follow the Pattern. The patternstarts during a downtrend, then it becomes a“Sideways" trend(That represents the indecision of the Markets); at the end ofthe pattern, there is a reversal in the direction of the Trend andit becomes an uptrend. It is important that there is a gap up afterthe“Sideways" Trend and just before the start of the uptrend.

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